For example, Reggae has a typical BPM ranging from 60–90, Hip-Hop between 85–115 BPM and Pop between 100–130. People have always wanted to classify almost everything throughout time, and music is not the exception-one way (because there are other ways )of listening to the tempo. tempo and duration_minutes: tempo is the speed or pace of a given piece and derives directly from the average beat duration measured in BPM (Beats Per Minute).A song from a non-popular artist that is more positive or more negative?.A song from a famous artist that is more positive or more negative?.happy, cheerful, euphoric), while tracks with low valence sound more negative (e.g. Tracks with high valence sound more positive (e.g. valence and artist_popularity: valence describes the musical positiveness conveyed by a track.Some questions have arisen, and those questions are represented in the form of pairs of features: Local Outlier Factor (LOF) and K-Means are density-based and distance algorithms, respectively.

By doing so, the data points are not very sparse (more dimensions = more space between data points). The anomaly detection algorithms are going to be applied in N groups of no more than three features. LOF doesn’t return a binary response so, a threshold must be given to identify if it’s an anomaly or not. This score depends on how isolated the object is with respect to the surrounding neighbourhood. The Local Outlier Factor (LOF) measures the local deviation of the density of a given point to its neighbours. In the beginning, people thought about global outliers, but then local outliers were introduced. The definition of an outlier wasn’t always written in stone. For this case, the distance between each cluster’s point to their respective cluster’s centroid is going to be standardized by the Modified Z-score (zmod), an excellent metric to find anomalies. This method is interesting because you get to know the groups you have in your data and find instances that are significantly far away from those groups. Represent those distances in histograms.Calculate the Euclidean distance between each cluster’s point to their respective cluster’s centroid.Apply K-Means to the dataset (choose the k clusters of your preference).Instagram post of using K-Means as an anomaly detection algorithm.